Saturday, July 27, 2019

The friendly bee and the horse

If you lose yourself in the process of trying to please everyone you'll end up wasting your energy. Keep your focus gear high and reach out to building yourself. No one cares if you go down in the course of pleasing them.

Throwing stones at the barking dogs

Not every thing needs a reaction on your way up the ladder of success. If you react to everything you are definitely going to lose focus and strength. Be mindful of what you react to.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The gold mine

Be future-conscious and keep the past underfoot. Remember the process gold undergoes before it's finally valuable.

Fountain of water in the desert

Don't give up on hope. The times may be hurting and not enjoyable but in the end there is going to be a way out for good.

The bleeding heart

When your heart is full of love you attract positive energy. Don't be stuck in hatred and bitterness for the pains caused by people. Live on and forgive at all cost.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Walking destiny path

When you walk with confidence there is every possibility that you're going somewhere and nothing changes that. The path may be rough and tough but keep your confidence gear up.

The waiting dog and the beef

Don't give up on hope because the beauty of pain is worth its weight of gold glory. Everything not working now is just a preparation for the better days to come. Keep pushing.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Habits balance check

Be careful how you treat people. If you don't like people's shoes don't look down on them. Remember, what goes around comes around.

Message from the mirrors

Time reveals the true intents of people around you. Don't be blind to the pictures painted around you each passing time.

The featherless eagle in winter

In every action there's a reaction and vice-versa. Every picture is an imaginary drop of the future. Read meaning to everything.

Sequence of thoughts for judgement

We're in a circle where people see you based on the knowledge they have and their perspectives. Be sensitive to know people who are able to pass judgement with sequential thoughts.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Embracing the unimaginable insight

The mind muscle a friend and enemy

The mind is the channel that brings your victory or doom. It can mean good if harnessed meaningfully and vice versa. 

Pacing with balance on life's journey

Be at peace with yourself and stop wearing out because of others successes. You're the best of your kind and nothing can change that.

Sleeping in the air with blindfolds

Every vehicle on the road has s destination else it's going to no man's land and possibly run out of resources. Get your life's journey direction if you want to reach safely.

Faking your existence

Don't live the guise of who you're not as this could endanger you in the future and tarnish your reputation. Don't fake your existence but be realistic and make amends where necessary.

The honeycomb and the bee

Nothing gets you excited if not connected to your purpose in life. Be sensitive to sort out what they're and follow them earnestly to relish the beauty of fulfillment of purpose of living.

A letter to my painful moments

Send this heartfelt note to those that makes your existence in their lives a mystery. Plan your course and execute the plan if you would go ahead.

Cutting off the sleepless fly

You live around people with positive influence in your life. You can't stand the chance of being stressed with the day's work and retire to be with people that reinstate the same. Choose your environment carefully in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Climbing stairs of dreamland

Everything happening around you is caused by a decision made or yet to be made. You're close to your dreamland if you can harness the power of decision making. Stay up and decide for a better life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The undefeated rival

Be sensitive at all times around people. Every hatred is tied to a reason and vice versa. Read the message their hate is sending and use it to your advantage. Above all keep living like you're not seeing them it drives them crazy.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The daily bread

It's going to come like a mighty rash wind and no power can stop it. Open your arms to receive it soonest.

Shielding the weakling

When you leave your weaknesses in the hands of the oppressor, he keeps using them against you. You don't have to be too vulnerable to this sort. You need a shield in the guise of ignoring the slaps that hurts you. Be strong and let your pain be known only by you.

Secrets of fertility

You don't need favor from everyone. You need favor from the right people and that would enable you grow. Let go of heavy weights that has pulled you back for long.

Gain versus loss

The mighty are like that because they choose to and likewise the weak. The courage of being mighty, or weak are the same. All you need do is channel your desires for the mighty.

The healer's tablet

Maturity requires a lot more than gainsaying. It's hard work that births fruitfulness.

Relationship entanglement

If you value your relationship then put aside the spirit of ego and it's accomplices. Work out what you desire and shame your ego.

Wearing a lion a suit

No man has ever seen an elephant giving birth to a lion. There are people and circumstances that may seem unpredictable because of the limit of their vision. A man who only listen to respond is no better than a sleeping mule.

Light in the sailor's boat

You will never know how people needs you in life they hope for until revealing moments. You have the light that could brighten someone's dark moments. In every situation you're faced with you must make this light take the lead. It's the guide to freedom of mankind.

Healing balm to the desolate

Dear Lord, today, glue together marriages that are falling apart, mend broken families, resolve siblings rivalries and restore fractured relationships 🙏

Monday, July 15, 2019

The password to the eternal

The greatest knowledge the world has ever know are written in books with codes that are unique. The above are codes you need for a safe trip in your life's journey.

The chase of a mad man

No man in his right senses fights a mad man and be justified. It's either you're sane or the opposite. Which ever way it's a thing of choice.

Arranging tables in the stable

Apparently, when you indulge in the business of sitting on people's lifestyle and what's become of them you're certainly painting a picture of what would be done to you too, because when you're gone and the seat is empty you'll be the next topic discussed.

He who finds love

Loving anybody is more than physical looks or acquaintances. It's an event of a lifetime without regrets of your feelings which are true. Go beyond the outward looks and focus on the beauty that's inside because the outward appearance fades away soon enough than expected.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Set the bridge on fire

There are certain bridges you need to burn if you want your freedom eternal. Cut off every attachment with your past and miserable life which you're not proud of. You will relish the benefits if you can.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A party with the moon and sun

You don't owe anyone an explanation on what crosses your path. Don't be carried away when it's rosy for some people and you're looking down-casted. Everything will fall in place in due course and timing.

Electrifying spiritual and intellectual connection

Don't settle for the common things in life's journey. Go for the reach of the unimaginable and costly assets. Make connections that would grow your inside man and cause growth to manifest in every endeavor of your life.

The architect of fake life and luxuries

No matter what do not fake the essence of your existence. Living in debt all in the name of luxuries is not worth it. It only shortens your life span with the blows of confusion and pain on the inside. Guard your paths.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Chasing the dancing fly all day

You don't need a thousand people to accomplish your goals here on earth. You need just the right people and they come having same vision in you to help go through it easily. If you find yourself amongst the above manner of getting things done then you need a retrace of steps and connections.

Life like a swinging pendulum

If you certainly don't decide what you carry you are definitely going to be swinging like a pendulum. You need a balance. Go for it and glue to it.

Mother's Achilles heel

When children are around you It's the best feeling any one can dream of. No matter how down you're don't take away your laughter from children. They grow in the warmth of your laughter just like you want them to.

The map to the dream land

When you're conscious of these basic facts your path will cross favorable lands.

Beautiful roses made from thorns and thistles